Baum-Welch algorithm: Finding parameters for our HMM

Up to this point, I’ve discussed hidden Markov models, the Viterbi algorithm, and the forward-backward algorithm. This is all fun and great, but we’ve also made the assumption that we know or assume a lot of information about the HMM. In a lot of cases, we would like a way to estimate the transition matrix A and the observation matrix O, but how would we go about doing that?

The expectation-maximization algorithm can be discussed in detail later, but the Baum-Welch algorithm is considered to be an application of the EM algorithm for use with HMMs. The idea here is that we can start with some sort of prior A and O matrix, possibly a trivial one with completely uniform probabilities, and we have a set of observations from the HMM. We use the forward-backward algorithm to calculate the probabilities of being in each state at each time step, and then we use this estimate of probabilities to make a better estimate of the transition and observation matrices. Using these improved (hopefully) A and O matrices, we do forward-backwards algorithm again, and the cycle continues until the A and O matrices converge and we can call it a day.

As for why the expectation maximization idea even works, the proof isn’t trivial, you can check Wikipedia, but essentially the EM algorithm tends to converge to some local solution that is feasible for the observations and prior distributions given, but may not be the actual parameters to the problem.

So let’s break down Baum-Welch. We split it up into expectation and maximization steps just to make it a point that we have two different parts.

Given things: n states, m observations, A transition matrix with n rows by n columns, O transition matrix with n rows by m columns, and k observations in a vector Y with elements Y_{j} for each time step 1 to k. A and O can be filled with appropriate uniform probability values if we really have no idea what should go in there.

Expectation step

1. Do forward-backward algorithm to get forward probabilities F_{i,j} and backward probabilities B_{i,j}, where the subscripts mean state i, time step j, where F and B are both 2D arrays with n rows and k+1 columns.

2. Finish forward-backward algorithm to get the final 2D array of probabilities P with n rows and k+1 columns, where elements P_{i,j} is the probability of being at state i at time j.

Maximization step

2. We need the probabilities of being at state \alpha at time j, and \beta at time j+1, which we can find using the following calculation.

\theta_{\alpha,\beta,j} = \frac{ F_{\alpha,j} A_{\alpha, \beta} B_{\beta, j+1} O_{\beta, Y_{j+1} } } {\sum_{c=1}^{n} \sum_{d=1}^{n} F_{c,j} A_{c,d} B_{d,j+1} O_{d,Y_{j+1} } }

You can see that the formula is the probability of being at state \alpha at time j, times the transition probability from \alpha to \beta, the probability of being at state \beta at time j+1, and the probability of the observation happening given we’re now at state \beta. You can store this as a 3D array or something.

3. Find the new transition matrix A by calculating each element

A_{\alpha, \beta} = \frac{\sum_{t=0}^{k-1} \theta_{\alpha, \beta, t} }{\sum_{t=0}^{k-1} P_{\alpha,t} }

This can be summarized as the sum of probabilities of going from state \alpha to \beta at each time stamp over the sum of probabilities of just being in state i (and going anywhere for the next state).

4. Find the new transition matrix B by calculating each element O_{\alpha, x} = \frac{ \sum_{t: x=Y_{t}}^{k} P_{\alpha,t}}{\sum_{t=0}^{k} P_{\alpha,t} }. This is calculating the probabilities of being in a state at the times that the observation x happened divided by the probabilities that we are in that state at any time.

5. Go back to the expectation step, and repeat until convergence.

Below, I have python code for doing the Baum-Welch algorithm. Note that I use observations similar to before, so we would expect our observation and probability matrices to not be the same as before because of my artificially manufactured observations that are stuck on a single state. Note also that above, I mentioned the solution will hit a local best solution, not necessarily what you wanted to see.

import numpy as np
# functions and classes go here
def fb_alg(A_mat, O_mat, observ):
    # set up
    k = observ.size
    (n,m) = O_mat.shape
    prob_mat = np.zeros( (n,k) )
    fw = np.zeros( (n,k+1) )
    bw = np.zeros( (n,k+1) )
    # forward part
    fw[:, 0] = 1.0/n
    for obs_ind in xrange(k):
        f_row_vec = np.matrix(fw[:,obs_ind])
        fw[:, obs_ind+1] = f_row_vec * \
                           np.matrix(A_mat) * \
        fw[:,obs_ind+1] = fw[:,obs_ind+1]/np.sum(fw[:,obs_ind+1])
    # backward part
    bw[:,-1] = 1.0
    for obs_ind in xrange(k, 0, -1):
        b_col_vec = np.matrix(bw[:,obs_ind]).transpose()
        bw[:, obs_ind-1] = (np.matrix(A_mat) * \
                            np.matrix(np.diag(O_mat[:,observ[obs_ind-1]])) * \
        bw[:,obs_ind-1] = bw[:,obs_ind-1]/np.sum(bw[:,obs_ind-1])
    # combine it
    prob_mat = np.array(fw)*np.array(bw)
    prob_mat = prob_mat/np.sum(prob_mat, 0)
    # get out
    return prob_mat, fw, bw

def baum_welch( num_states, num_obs, observ ):
    # allocate
    A_mat = np.ones( (num_states, num_states) )
    A_mat = A_mat / np.sum(A_mat,1)
    O_mat = np.ones( (num_states, num_obs) )
    O_mat = O_mat / np.sum(O_mat,1)
    theta = np.zeros( (num_states, num_states, observ.size) )
    while True:
        old_A = A_mat
        old_O = O_mat
        A_mat = np.ones( (num_states, num_states) )
        O_mat = np.ones( (num_states, num_obs) )
        # expectation step, forward and backward probs
        P,F,B = fb_alg( old_A, old_O, observ)
        # need to get transitional probabilities at each time step too
        for a_ind in xrange(num_states):
            for b_ind in xrange(num_states):
                for t_ind in xrange(observ.size):
                    theta[a_ind,b_ind,t_ind] = \
                    F[a_ind,t_ind] * \
                    B[b_ind,t_ind+1] * \
                    old_A[a_ind,b_ind] * \
                    old_O[b_ind, observ[t_ind]]
        # form A_mat and O_mat
        for a_ind in xrange(num_states):
            for b_ind in xrange(num_states):
                A_mat[a_ind, b_ind] = np.sum( theta[a_ind, b_ind, :] )/ \
        A_mat = A_mat / np.sum(A_mat,1)
        for a_ind in xrange(num_states):
            for o_ind in xrange(num_obs):
                right_obs_ind = np.array(np.where(observ == o_ind))+1
                O_mat[a_ind, o_ind] = np.sum(P[a_ind,right_obs_ind])/ \
                                      np.sum( P[a_ind,1:])
        O_mat = O_mat / np.sum(O_mat,1)
        # compare
        if np.linalg.norm(old_A-A_mat) < .00001 and np.linalg.norm(old_O-O_mat) < .00001:
    # get out
    return A_mat, O_mat

num_obs = 25
observations1 = np.random.randn( num_obs )
observations1[observations1>0] = 1
observations1[observations1<=0] = 0
A_mat, O_mat = baum_welch(2,2,observations1)
print observations1
print A_mat
print O_mat
observations2 = np.random.random(num_obs)
observations2[observations2>.15] = 1
observations2[observations2<=.85] = 0
A_mat, O_mat = baum_welch(2,2,observations2)
print observations2
print A_mat
print O_mat
A_mat, O_mat = baum_welch(2,2,np.hstack( (observations1, observations2) ) )
print A_mat
print O_mat

If you run the code as I have shown up here, you’ll notice some strange behavior involving our model. Because our model is so simplistic and we have absolutely no prior data on the coin bias and the tendency to switch, we set everything to uniform probability. The algorithm for all three cases then results in the observations being a ratio based on what the observations were, which makes sense, and the transition matrix for the states remains uniform and untouched. Obviously, then the Baum Welch algorithm here basically ignores the fact that we have a hidden Markov model and goes for the maximum likelihood estimate of the coin bias and reports that this is the observation probability for both states. This isn’t wrong, but it really may not be what you wanted to see either. The only real way to solve this is by giving the system a prior that helps solve whatever we are trying to do.

This is actually less of a problem had we modeled our hidden Markov model to have multivariate Gaussian mixtures for the observation probabilities instead of discrete values, say if we were trying to observe returned samples of a population or something. But here, it’s clear we show that Baum Welch algorithm gives us a solution, but the usefulness in this gambling bit is pretty limited.